BLOG Session- POST 6
I hope you enjoy this blog experience! Today you are going to write about society and family.
First, I would like to state that the word "family" for me is a word that involves a lot in our society. It is a great and strong pillar, fundamental for our society.
This is my belief so far but this concept of traditional family has been changing a lot. If we compare old families and modern families they have many differences, for example, old families were bigger now families are smaller, with just three or four members even fewer. Also family customs have been deeply changed, for instance, old mothers stayed at home and brought her children up meanwhile her husbands went to work, whose jobs were the "bread and butter" of the family.
According to my point of view and own reflection modern times have brought positive things to our society. The access to technology, science, health and education have provided to people with a variety source of knowledge that has been an indispensable contribution to our world. Nowadays, people "know " more than before. Consequently, this new phenomenon has pros and cons.
I think we can take advantage of the good aspects of the past times and connect them with the positive of modern ones. It may be a solution to what sometimes might become stressful and overwhelming.
Now, it is your turn...include:
- Say what you think about old and modern families
- Say what you think about the influence of technology in society
- Mention what you think about the importance of family in our world
- Include any other information you think is relevant
- 150-word MINIMUM
- Make comments on three of your classmates posts and also leave a comment on the teacher's post.
I think the old times can teach us a lot